Distinguished Experts

Dr. Adam Kamradt-Scott

Cummings Foundation Associate Professor of One Health Diplomacy

Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Tufts University

Dr. Adam Kamradt-Scott

Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Tufts University

Dr Naeem TOOSY

Conference Co-Chair

Emergency Medicine Clinician, Academic & United Arab Emirates Leader

Dr Naeem TOOSY

Emergency Medicine Clinician, Academic & United Arab Emirates Leader

Ms. Garance UPHAM

Conference Co-Chair

CEO XpertOneHealth UAE & South Africa President AMR Think-Do-Tank, Geneva International

Ms. Garance UPHAM

CEO XpertOneHealth UAE & South Africa President AMR Think-Do-Tank, Geneva International

Maj Gen (Prof) Atul Kotwal

Executive Director

National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC), India

Maj Gen (Prof) Atul Kotwal

National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC), India

Prof Rashad Massoud

Head of Global Health

IQVIA, USA Healthcare Quality Improvement Instructor, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Prof Rashad Massoud

IQVIA, USA Healthcare Quality Improvement Instructor, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Prof Yuguo LI

Chair Professor

Building Environment University of Hong Kong

Prof Yuguo LI

Building Environment University of Hong Kong

Prof Timothy WALSH

Director of Biology

Ineos Oxford Institute for AMR Research Professor of Medical Microbiology, Oxford University

Prof Timothy WALSH

Ineos Oxford Institute for AMR Research Professor of Medical Microbiology, Oxford University

Dr Afreenish Amir

Project Director AMR

National Fungal Disease Surveillance System NIH Pakistan

Dr Afreenish Amir

National Fungal Disease Surveillance System NIH Pakistan

Prof Motoyuki SUGAI


WHO Collaborating Centre for AMR Surveillance & Research AMR Research Center, NIID, Japan

Prof Motoyuki SUGAI

WHO Collaborating Centre for AMR Surveillance & Research AMR Research Center, NIID, Japan



AMR Research Center Center for Field Epidemic Intelligence, Research & Professional Development NIID, Japan


AMR Research Center Center for Field Epidemic Intelligence, Research & Professional Development NIID, Japan

Najeeb Al Shorbaji

Business Development Manager

RollerAds Former WHO E-Health Director (18 years)

Najeeb Al Shorbaji

RollerAds Former WHO E-Health Director (18 years)

Prof Luther King Abia Akebe

Environmental Lead

Antimicrobial Research Unit University of KwaZulu-Natal

Prof Luther King Abia Akebe

Antimicrobial Research Unit University of KwaZulu-Natal

Dr. Javed Akram


Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine AMR and Hospital Acquired Infections

Dr. Javed Akram

Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine AMR and Hospital Acquired Infections

Dr. Daniel DE VOS

Research Manager

Laboratory for Molecular and Cellular Technology (LabMCT) Queen Astrid Military Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

Dr. Daniel DE VOS

Laboratory for Molecular and Cellular Technology (LabMCT) Queen Astrid Military Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

Prof Didier Bompangue

Deputy Director

One Health Institute Africa Head of Research & Training Unit, Eco-Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases University of Kinshasa

Prof Didier Bompangue

One Health Institute Africa Head of Research & Training Unit, Eco-Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases University of Kinshasa